Divisional Committees: Queensland
Content Summary
The Queensland Division has several committees and networks that advance the interests of members through internal and external advocacy. They meet on a regular basis and liaise with representatives from the Queensland Divisional Council.
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Business committee
The role of the Business Committee is to engage, represent and advance the interests of members in the corporate sector in Queensland and their communities.
Chair | Alan Smith CPA |
Deputy Chairs | Vacant |
Members | Cissy Ma FCPA Diane Wouansi CPA Zoe (Huan) Zhang CPA |
Committee for women
The role of the Committee for Women is to elevate, enrich, and empower women CPA members, and beyond that, women in accounting in general.
Chair | Kim Goodair FCPA |
Deputy Chair | Kathryn McDougall ASA |
Members |
Lydia Birt CPA Rochelle Bugarin FCPA Reisa Lockhart CPA Theresa O'Connor FCPA Kerry Saunders FCPA Maggie Wong-Steedman CPA |
Emerging professionals committee
This committee aims to engage and support young accounting professionals. It facilitates networking and maximises the benefits of being a member of CPA Australia.
Chair | Anetta Amin CPA |
Deputy Chair | Jenny Yang CPA |
Members |
Holly Chan CPA Yee Kee Har ASA Dani Nguyen Oleg Ostapenko ASA Sonia Song CPA Sagar Thapa CPA Vicky Zhou CPA |
Future of the profession committee
This committee aims to engage, represent and advance the interests of members and the future of our profession.
Chair | Stewart Saini FCPA |
Deputy Chairs | Vacant |
Secretary | Ankit Hemani CPA |
Members |
Mel Georgiou FCPA Cissy Ma FCPA Robert McDowall FCPA Leanne Rudd FCPA Jack Schmidt FCPA Shane Sullivan FCPA |
Indigenous Advancement Committee
The role of the Indigenous Advancement Committee is to engage, represent and advance the interests of members in Queensland and their communities.
Chair | Tracy Thelander CPA |
Members | Anthony Archie CPA Tony Brett FCPA Josie Collins CPA Rajkumar Gohain CPA Sharlene Gordon CPA Clayton Lee CPA |
Not-for-profit committee
This committee represents the professional interests of members who are employed in the not-for-profit sector, or have an interest in the sector.
Chair | Nunzio Giunta FCPA |
Deputy Chairs | Rajkumar Gohain CPA |
Secretary | Shannon Hunter CPA |
Members | Peter Downie CPA Deborah Nisbet FCPA Alarka Phukan CPA Robert Sims CPA |
Public practice committee
This committee engages, represents and advances the interests of members working in public practice.
Chair | Shanna Hunter FCPA |
Deputy Chairs | Hannah Griffits CPA |
Members | Anthony Lowe CPA Karia McQuillen CPA Theresa O'Connor FCPA Pravinesh Singh CPA Minna Zhu CPA |
Public sector committee
This committee engages, represents and advances the interests of members working in Queensland's public sector and their communities.
Chair | Melissa Fletcher CPA |
Deputy Chairs | Paul Huggins FCPA |
Members | Gemma Bowman FCPA Tony Brett FCPA Roshan Gunewardene FCPA Brian Russell FCPA Sophie Saunders CPA Susanna Szell FCPA |
The experienced network
The role of the Queensland experienced network is to advance, represent and engage the interests of mature age members who desire to maintain their professional skills, continue lifelong learning, feel valued and connected and encouraged to give back their wealth of knowledge and experience to the profession, community and society.
Chair | David Hardidge FCPA |
Members | Gerard Byrne FCPA Julie-Ann Mee FPCA Deborah Nisbet FCPA Kerry Phillips FCPA Tony Thomas FCPA |