Member Benefits
Products and services that suit you
One of the many advantages of being a CPA Australia member is accessing our privilege program.
Since its inception more than 20 years ago, our primary goal for the Member Benefits program has been to provide a value-based model, offering products and services to members that are relevant to their varied interests.
We partner with organisations who have a shared desire to support and make a difference to our members and the accounting and business finance profession.
Explore benefits in your location
Member Benefits Australia
Australian members enjoy a range of partner deals, special offers and discounts
- CPA corporate information
Member Benefits Hong Kong
Discover our special partner offers and discounts for CPA Australia members in Hong Kong
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Member Benefits Malaysia
Stay tuned for updates on member benefits in Malaysia
- CPA corporate information
Member Benefits New Zealand
Discover our special partner offers and discounts for CPA Australia members in New Zealand
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Member Benefits United Kingdom
Discover our special partner offers and discounts for CPA Australia members in the UK
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Member Benefits Vietnam
Discover our special partner offers and discounts for CPA Australia members in Vietnam
- CPA corporate information
CPA Australia does not endorse the advertised products. The products being offered are solely those of the advertisers. CPA Australia endeavours to partner with companies offering access to relevant products for members. All costs incurred in marketing specific member benefits programs are borne by the member benefits partners.
The information published on this website is of a general nature only and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation or particular needs. You should before acting on an advertisement, consider the appropriateness of the product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend you obtain independent advice before applying for an product from advertisers referred.