Divisional Committees: New South Wales
Content Summary
The NSW Division has a number of committees that advance the interests of members through internal and external advocacy. They meet on a regular basis and liaise with representatives from the NSW Divisional Council.
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Corporate Sector Committee
The Corporate Sector Committee represents professional interests for those within the corporate sector.
Chair | Stuart Scott CPA |
Deputy Chair | Vacant |
Liaisons | Vacant |
Members | Frank Colubriale CPA Matt Dowling CPA |
Not-For-Profit Committee
The role of the committee is to represent the professional interests of not-for-profit members who are employed by, or have an interest in the sector. The committee comprises the following members, representing a broad spectrum within the not-for-profit sector.
Chair | Ian Thomson FCPA |
Deputy Chair | Vacant |
Liaisons | Vacant |
Members | Dr Ushi Ghoorah ASA Shirley Huang CPA Brent Quill FCPA Sherry Shang FCPA Emily Zhang CPA |
Public Practice Committee
The committee represents public practitioners in NSW. The committee represents the sector to Divisional Council, builds relationships in conjunction with the Public Practice Advisory Committee, champions national initiatives, communicates with members, and supports local initiatives.
Chair | Sarah Lawrance FCPA |
Deputy Chair | Vacant |
Liaisons | Vacant |
Members | Henry Kwok CPA Neale Peppernell FCPA Ravi Raja CPA Nathan Rigney CPA William Xu CPA |
Public Sector Committee
The committee represents public sector members in NSW Divisional Council, builds relationships in conjunction with the Board Public Sector Committee, champions national initiatives, communicates with members, and supports local initiatives.
Chair | Lyndal Punch CPA |
Deputy Chair | David McGill CPA |
Liaisons | Wayne Stokes FCPA Richard Sheridan FCPA |
Members | Benjamin Gray FCPA Anthony Havier CPA Seema Kinger FCPA Nirupama Mani CPA Scott McGill CPA |
SME Committee
The committee represents members who work in small to medium enterprises in the NSW Division. Working closely with NSW Divisional Council and supporting CPA Australia's corporate strategy, the SME Committee supports local activity and provides a voice for members.
Chair | Kegan Kashian FCPA |
Deputy Chair | Jeffrey O'Sullivan CPA |
Liaisons |
Mike Cullen CPA Ian McKelvey CPA |
Members |
Reg Beniac CPA Dat Do FCPA Petah Hobson CPA |
Third Age Network Committee
The Third Age Network (TAN NSW) seeks to advance, represent and engage the interests of mature age members who desire to maintain their professional skills, continue lifelong learning, feel valued and connected and encouraged to give back their wealth of knowledge and experience to the profession, community and society.
Chair | Robert Alder FCPA |
Deputy Chairs | Ian Thomson FCPA |
Liaisons | Stephan Kasanczuk FCPA Marsha Ma CPA |
Members | Rosalie Degabriele FCPA Alan Freshwater CPA Stephan Kasanczuk FCPA |
Young and Emerging Professionals Committee
The committee's purpose is to engage and support young accounting professionals, by facilitating networking and to maximise benefits as a member of CPA Australia.
Chair | Matthew D'Cruz CPA |
Deputy Chair | Marsha Ma CPA |
Liaisons | Deborah Lane FCPA Maggie Lo CPA |
Members | Adeel Ahmed CPA Alexander Chu ASA Marlene Della ASA Jeremy Khoh CPA Kenneth Nguyen CPA William Xu CPA Max Yatsuzuka CPA Cassie Zhou CPA |