Australia Taxation – Advanced
Content Summary
Study guide update
The study guide for Australia Taxation - Advanced has been updated for Semester 2 2024. If you enrol in this subject, you will receive the latest edition as a hardcopy, sent to your nominated address, and a soft copy will be in My Online Learning. Make sure you refer to this latest version when studying.
Study guide: tenth edition
Taxation is a key component of the overall skills base of today's professional accountant.
Business leaders appreciate that there are taxation implications that flow on from most business and investment decisions. A sound knowledge of Australian taxation law is essential to ensure quality input into the strategic decision-making process of a business, and to provide post-implementation taxation advice. Business structures may involve different types of entities or combinations of entities (such as individuals, partnerships, trusts and companies), and it is important to consider the taxation advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
This edition of the subject has been updated so that it explores some of the complex areas of taxation in greater detail. It is an extension of Australia Taxation and requires prior undergraduate-level learning in Australian taxation.
The subject allows candidates to gain an advanced understanding of tax theory and policy, as well as the practical application of complex tax knowledge across core and specialist tax areas. In particular, this subject examines advanced tax issues, including: income tax law for a variety of business structures and investment entities; goods and services tax; tax implications of complex business structures and corporate financing arrangements, to equip candidates with the skills they need to advise their corporate clients. Completing the subject will generate a competitive advantage for candidates in professional tax advisory areas.
General objectives
On completion of this subject, you should be able to:
- understand the principles of tax theory and explain how tax policies will impact on business decisions
- advise on the tax implications arising from various complex business structures, superannuation and associated investment decisions
- recommend an appropriate business or investment structure to achieve commercial and personal goals whilst within the remit of the Australian taxation law
- explain the tax consequences of various corporate financing arrangements
- apply advanced taxation knowledge in complex business areas at local and international levels, such as transactions involving complex goods and services tax (GST) law, cross-border tax issues and anti-tax avoidance.
The Australia Taxation – Advanced subject reflects legislation in place as at 1 January 2024. Exam questions will be based upon the 2023-24 tax year.
Exam structure
The Australia Taxation – Advanced exam consists of multiple-choice questions and extended response questions.
Subject content
The "weighting" column in the following table provides an indication of the emphasis placed on each module in the exam, while the "recommended proportion of study time" column is a guide for you to allocate your study time for each module.
Module | Recommended proportion of study time (%) | Weighting (%) |
1. Tax theory, policy, reform and anti-avoidance | 13 | 13 |
2. Trusts and trust distributions | 12 | 12 |
3. Superannuation | 12 | 12 |
4. Companies and company distributions | 13 | 13 |
5. Consolidations | 10 | 10 |
6. Complex business structures | 10 | 10 |
7. Corporate financing | 10 | 10 |
8. International transactions and cross-border tax issues | 10 | 10 |
9. Advanced GST issues | 10 | 10 |
Subject outline
For further information, see the subject outline below.
Discover more
The role of CPA Australia in tax policy
- Taxation
articleVisit INTHEBLACKFiji Taxation
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Singapore Taxation
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Malaysia Taxation
Members in Malaysia may study a local taxation subject offered by Sunway TES and the Universiti Tun Abdul Razak.
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Taxation study options
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Australia Taxation
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- Taxation