Malaysia Taxation
Content Summary
Study options for Malaysia taxation subjects
Members can now study an equivalent taxation subject at one of our partner institutions, Sunway TES or the Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, and receive recognition of their study within the CPA Program.
CPA Australia's existing partnerships with Sunway TES and the Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, who provide tuition for the CPA Program, ensures that our partners are expertly placed to deliver this local taxation solution for members in Malaysia.
The Malaysia Taxation subject content taught by our partners will undergo regular reviews to ensure it meets CPA Australia's rigorous standards for a postgraduate taxation unit.
When to choose Malaysia Taxation
If you have not met CPA Australia's tax competency requirement you are advised to study Australia Taxation to fulfill the education requirements for becoming a CPA. However, if you're based in Malaysia and plan to pursue a career in there, it may be more appropriate to complete your taxation studies locally. The Malaysia Taxation subject has been developed specifically for this purpose.
What to expect
To complete Malaysia Taxation with Sunway TES, you are required to:
- Enrol with Sunway TES by contacting Ms Michelle Choo at [email protected]
- Once enrolled, study using the resources provided, and sit the final exam with the institution.
- Once you’ve successfully completed the subject and received an official statement of your exam result, submit this to CPA Australia for recognition as an elective unit of study in the CPA Program.
To complete Malaysia Taxation with the Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, you are required to:
- Enrol with Universiti Tun Abdul Razak by contacting Salsabiila binti Asry at [email protected].
- Once enrolled, study using the resources provided, and sit the final exam with the university.
- Once you’ve successfully completed the subject and received an official statement of your exam result, submit this to CPA Australia for recognition as an elective unit of study in the CPA Program.
How to apply for recognition
- Log in to our website using your registered email address along with your website password.
- Within 'My Membership', select 'Apply for update'.
- Select 'Start Application' and move to 'Education', where you can search for and add the unit of study you completed with either Sunway TES or the Universiti Tun Abdul Razak.
- Move to 'Documents' and upload your statement of results as a supporting document.
Once approved, when you log into My CPA Program you'll see that you have received an elective exemption.
You'll then only be required to complete one elective, in addition to the compulsory subjects, to satisfy the CPA Program.
Discover more
Australia Taxation – Advanced
An extension of Australia Taxation, this subject examines advanced tax issues including income tax law
- Taxation
Fiji Taxation
Members in Fiji may study a local taxation subject offered by the University of the South Pacific (USP)
- Taxation
Taxation study options
Recent changes to taxation study in the CPA Program mean that it’s easier to choose the subjects that suit your career goals
- Taxation
Singapore Taxation
This subject provides you with leading-edge, specialised training in the area of Singapore taxation
- Taxation
New Zealand Taxation
Members in New Zealand may study a subject focusing on New Zealand taxation offered by Massey University and Lincoln University
- Taxation
Australia Taxation
Australia Taxation introduces fundamental concepts of income tax law and legislation
- Taxation