I’m Joseph Ravindran CPA Australia, Project Lead, Entity Simplification at a multinational corporation.
Obtaining the CPA Australia designation has brought me great credibility and ample opportunity, whereby I have been privileged to be featured in strategic initiatives pertaining to advocacy and the strengthening of CPA Australia's brand presence in the Malaysian tertiary and employer space. I have been a moderator and guest speaker in webinars and talks on a variety of topics, as well as a career mentor to young aspiring members.
I have always made it a point during my sharing sessions with young accountants and graduates who are about to make a decision on which professional qualification to pursue. The CPA Program is by far the most holistic professional qualification one can possess. It has everything such as accounting, finance, law, you name it, and they have it. The knowledge and skills gained will keep you agile and nimble across your career, and there is no fear of being left behind.
Developing influence is not the easiest thing in the world. It takes time, energy, patience and perseverance. Therefore, I have been working on building my leadership competencies while also reflecting on how to best cast my shadow as a leader with great influence. The CPA Australia designation coupled with the active role that I have played as a member of CPA Australia over the past few years, is certainly an added advantage in my quest to be an influential leader.
A piece of advice that I would like to give my younger self is ‘know what you want’. Finding a career and job function that fits your personality is absolutely essential. Pursue the CPA Australia Program. Leverage the CPA Australia designation. Go out there and get what you want.