Update from the CPA Australia Board 19 May 2022
Content Summary
- President's message
- Members support refreshed constitution
- 13th Asia-Pacific small business survey
- Congress recognised in Event Marketing Awards
- Skills assessment programs
President's message
It was a pleasure to hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Sydney last week attended by a strong turnout of members. More than 80 people braved the wet weather to join us in person while over 240 people watched online. The board presented CPA Australia’s results from 2021 and welcomed the positive engagement from members who asked questions about the organisation’s reports and performance. I’d like to thank the Council of Presidents, the Divisional Councils and everyone who participated in the meeting.
Members support refreshed constitution
One of the items of business at the AGM was a special resolution to refresh CPA Australia’s constitution. The refresh creates a simpler version of the constitution with clear, contemporary language that is easier to understand and aligns with recent changes to the Corporations Act. Members showed overwhelming support for the resolution with 80.2 per cent of voting members voting in favour of the resolution. For a special resolution to pass, 75 per cent of voting members must vote in favour. The full results are available to view on the website and a recording of the meeting will also be available on the website in the coming days. Read the updated constitution and accompanying by-laws.
13th Asia-Pacific small business survey
CPA Australia released the results of our 13th annual Asia-Pacific Small Business Survey measuring small business sentiment and performance across the Asia-Pacific region. The survey received more than 4,250 responses from small businesses across 11 Asia-Pacific markets. In the past six weeks, each market has conducted localised activities promoting the findings, including media releases and member briefings. The results show that innovation, technology and improving customer satisfaction are key characteristics of high growth small businesses across the region.
Congress recognised in Event Marketing Awards
CPA Australia’s Virtual Congress 2021 was recognised at this year’s Event Marketing Awards, which celebrate creativity and innovation in business events in the Asia-Pacific region. Virtual Congress 2021, with the theme of Leadershift, won the silver award for ‘Best Corporate Event’. Also, our platform design partner, Evolved, (informed and inspired by the CPA Events Experience team), won silver for their work on Virtual Congress in the ‘Innovative use of virtual platform' category.
Skills assessment programs
The board recognises that labour supply and skills shortages are affecting the accounting profession in Australia as we look to recover from the impact of COVID-19. In tandem with our tertiary strategy to encourage more people to study accounting and finance subjects, CPA Australia is also partnering with the Australian Government on initiatives to deliver faster skills assessments for the government’s Migrant Skills Incentive program. The program looks to boost workforce participation in key industry sectors with government incentives to deliver faster skills assessments for eligible people who are in Australia and are ready to work.
Merran Kelsall FCPA
President and Chairman
On behalf of CPA Australia’s Board of Directors
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