Update from the CPA Australia Board 15 February 2022
Content Summary
- 2022 Annual General Meeting
- CPA Australia Best Practice Program Launched
- Mentoring Program - Applications Open
- Cyber Security Information Hub
- CPA Australia on Instagram
- Editorial Appointment for Australian Accounting Review
- Provide Your Feedback
2022 Annual General Meeting
CPA Australia’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 11 May 2022 at 5.30pm (AEST) at the Four Seasons Hotel Sydney, 199 George Street, Sydney NSW.
CPA Australia members are invited to attend the AGM in person or to watch the live webcast. The notice of meeting and proxy form for the AGM will be dispatched to members at least 21 days before the meeting, in accordance with S249H of the Corporations Act 2001(Cth) and the CPA Australia Constitution.
We will continue to monitor the situation with respect to COVID-19. The AGM will be conducted in line with public health advice and COVID-19 safety protocols in place at the time of the meeting. In the event that restrictions around travel, the size of gatherings or health advice necessitates a change of venue or the introduction of capacity limits, we will communicate this information ahead of the AGM. We therefore encourage members to submit proxies online as early as possible, even if you are planning to attend in person.
We also encourage you to update your contact preferences in advance so that you can receive your notice of meeting and other communications by email. This is the most reliable, cost-effective and sustainable manner of communicating with members.
More details about the AGM are available on the Annual General Meeting Notices webpage. For further information, contact [email protected]
CPA Australia Best Practice Program Launched
The CPA Australia Best Practice Program launched on 19 January to deliver personalised support to members working in public practice. Replacing the Quality Review Program, the program takes a new approach by focusing on education and support rather than just compliance. Developed with extensive industry consultation, the program encourages members to adopt best practice procedures to build sustainable firms while increasing professional standards and consumer protection. It features a customised online portal for members and assessors to manage the assessment process and support from the dedicated Best Practice Team. The first group of members, comprising 99 firms and 136 members across Australia and New Zealand, have been notified of their selection for assessment cycle 1. More information is available on the CPA Australia Best Practice Program webpage.
Mentoring Program – Applications Open
Applications are now open for CPA Australia’s Public Practice and Australia and New Zealand Mentoring Programs for 2022. The mentoring programs provide participants with the opportunity to develop new skills and build professional connections within the accounting profession. A mentoring relationship is a powerful development experience that delivers benefits for both the mentor and the mentee. Applications for these programs are open until 14 March. For more information or to register, visit the mentoring program webpage. We will also be running a separate International mentoring program. Applications for CPA Australia’ International Mentoring Program will open in March 2022.
Cyber Security Information Hub
A growing reliance on technology in our personal and professional lives means that cyber-security is becoming increasingly important. In recognition of this, CPA Australia has launched a new cyber-security information hub on the website. The hub houses a range of resources and support to assist accounting and finance professionals to take advantage of digital innovation and create a cyber-safe environment for their business. Visit the cyber-security information hub.
CPA Australia on Instagram
As part of our strategy to engage with the next generation of accountants, CPA Australia has expanded our social media presence to include Instagram. Since launching in December, CPA Australia’s Instagram has attracted more than 5,800 followers to complement the following we have built on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. So far, we have reached over 6 million users focusing on what a career in accounting and finance looks like and the exciting opportunities within the profession. You can follow us on Instagram at @cpaaustralia. We’re also currently exploring a presence on TikTok to align with our tertiary engagement program and the evolution of our brand.
Editorial Appointment for Australian Accounting Review
The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Sue Wright and Professor Yaowen Shan as joint editors-in-chief of our quarterly academic journal, Australian Accounting Review (AAR).
Professor Wright is Head of Accounting at the University of Technology Sydney. She is a fellow and former president and treasurer of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ), and an associate editor/board member of Abacus, Accounting Research Journal and Meditari.
Professor Shan from the University of Technology Sydney is a professional accountant and current director and treasurer of the AFAANZ board. He is also an associate editor at two other academic publications; the Australian Journal of Management and Accounting and Finance.
Professors Wright and Shan take over from outgoing editors-in-chief Associate Professor Bryan Howieson FCPA (University of Adelaide) and Professor Michael Bradbury FCA (Massey University, NZ). We thank Associate Professor Howieson and Professor Bradbury for their outstanding contribution over the past three years and we look forward to Professors Wright and Shan continuing to produce a high quality, academic journal that provides critical analysis of developments in accounting, business and finance.
Provide Your Feedback
We are always looking to improve the way we communicate with members. If you have any feedback on the communication from the Board of Directors, we invite you to forward it to [email protected]
Merran Kelsall FCPA
President and Chairman
On behalf of CPA Australia’s Board of Directors
CPA Australia’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 11 May 2022 at 5.30pm (AEST) at the Four Seasons Hotel Sydney, 199 George Street, Sydney NSW.
CPA Australia members are invited to attend the AGM in person or to watch the live webcast. The notice of meeting and proxy form for the AGM will be dispatched to members at least 21 days before the meeting, in accordance with S249H of the Corporations Act 2001(Cth) and the CPA Australia Constitution.
We will continue to monitor the situation with respect to COVID-19. The AGM will be conducted in line with public health advice and COVID-19 safety protocols in place at the time of the meeting. In the event that restrictions around travel, the size of gatherings or health advice necessitates a change of venue or the introduction of capacity limits, we will communicate this information ahead of the AGM. We therefore encourage members to submit proxies online as early as possible, even if you are planning to attend in person.
We also encourage you to update your contact preferences in advance so that you can receive your notice of meeting and other communications by email. This is the most reliable, cost-effective and sustainable manner of communicating with members.
More details about the AGM are available on the Annual General Meeting Notices webpage. For further information, contact [email protected]
CPA Australia Best Practice Program Launched
The CPA Australia Best Practice Program launched on 19 January to deliver personalised support to members working in public practice. Replacing the Quality Review Program, the program takes a new approach by focusing on education and support rather than just compliance. Developed with extensive industry consultation, the program encourages members to adopt best practice procedures to build sustainable firms while increasing professional standards and consumer protection. It features a customised online portal for members and assessors to manage the assessment process and support from the dedicated Best Practice Team. The first group of members, comprising 99 firms and 136 members across Australia and New Zealand, have been notified of their selection for assessment cycle 1. More information is available on the CPA Australia Best Practice Program webpage.
Mentoring Program – Applications Open
Applications are now open for CPA Australia’s Public Practice and Australia and New Zealand Mentoring Programs for 2022. The mentoring programs provide participants with the opportunity to develop new skills and build professional connections within the accounting profession. A mentoring relationship is a powerful development experience that delivers benefits for both the mentor and the mentee. Applications for these programs are open until 14 March. For more information or to register, visit the mentoring program webpage. We will also be running a separate International mentoring program. Applications for CPA Australia’ International Mentoring Program will open in March 2022.
Cyber Security Information Hub
A growing reliance on technology in our personal and professional lives means that cyber-security is becoming increasingly important. In recognition of this, CPA Australia has launched a new cyber-security information hub on the website. The hub houses a range of resources and support to assist accounting and finance professionals to take advantage of digital innovation and create a cyber-safe environment for their business. Visit the cyber-security information hub.
CPA Australia on Instagram
As part of our strategy to engage with the next generation of accountants, CPA Australia has expanded our social media presence to include Instagram. Since launching in December, CPA Australia’s Instagram has attracted more than 5,800 followers to complement the following we have built on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. So far, we have reached over 6 million users focusing on what a career in accounting and finance looks like and the exciting opportunities within the profession. You can follow us on Instagram at @cpaaustralia. We’re also currently exploring a presence on TikTok to align with our tertiary engagement program and the evolution of our brand.
Editorial Appointment for Australian Accounting Review
The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Sue Wright and Professor Yaowen Shan as joint editors-in-chief of our quarterly academic journal, Australian Accounting Review (AAR).
Professor Wright is Head of Accounting at the University of Technology Sydney. She is a fellow and former president and treasurer of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ), and an associate editor/board member of Abacus, Accounting Research Journal and Meditari.
Professor Shan from the University of Technology Sydney is a professional accountant and current director and treasurer of the AFAANZ board. He is also an associate editor at two other academic publications; the Australian Journal of Management and Accounting and Finance.
Professors Wright and Shan take over from outgoing editors-in-chief Associate Professor Bryan Howieson FCPA (University of Adelaide) and Professor Michael Bradbury FCA (Massey University, NZ). We thank Associate Professor Howieson and Professor Bradbury for their outstanding contribution over the past three years and we look forward to Professors Wright and Shan continuing to produce a high quality, academic journal that provides critical analysis of developments in accounting, business and finance.
Provide Your Feedback
We are always looking to improve the way we communicate with members. If you have any feedback on the communication from the Board of Directors, we invite you to forward it to [email protected]
Merran Kelsall FCPA
President and Chairman
On behalf of CPA Australia’s Board of Directors
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