Statement from the Board 30 September 2020
Director Appointments and elections of President and Chairman
CPA Australia is pleased to announce that Merran Kelsall FCPA has been re-appointed as a Director by the Appointments Council and also elected by the Board as our new President and Chairman, effective 1 October 2020.
Merran has a distinguished career as a Director in mutual and member-based organisations and has been instrumental in cementing CPA Australia’s member focus since joining the Board in 2017 as a Director and Deputy President.
We also would like to congratulate Directors Rosemary Sinclair FCPA and Helen Lorigan, who have also been re-appointed to the CPA Australia Board by the Appointments Council, and Ric De Santi and Professor Dale Pinto who were elected by the Board as Deputy Presidents.
Deputy President Chin Aik Wong FCPA is retiring as a Director this month. Chin Aik has served the Board with distinction as a Deputy President since 2017 and has led major reforms to our internal governance and risk management as Chair of the Board Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee. We wish Chin Aik and his family all the best in the years ahead as he continues his active role as a CPA Australia member through contributions to the work of our Malaysian Division.
The Board of Directors remains committed to working with the executive management team to deliver on the strategy and provide improved value and services for members.
In accordance with the governance arrangements voted for by members at the 2018 Annual General Meeting and in line with CPA Australia’s Constitution, my time as President and Chairman of CPA Australia concludes today as I have now completed the maximum term of three consecutive years in the role. It has been a great privilege to serve members in this capacity and to be part of the change we needed to ensure that members’ interests are central to the organisation’s decision making.
I would like to acknowledge the tremendous support I have received from my colleagues on the Board over the past three years and I thank CEO Andrew Hunter and all the staff at CPA Australia for their commitment to serving members. I also thank the dedicated members who have served on councils and committees as we have reset the organisation’s focus.
I look forward to continuing in my role as Director to support our new President and Chairman, Merran Kelsall, and my fellow Directors in charting a course through this challenging period. Finally, I would like to thank CPA Australia’s members for your support and your enthusiasm in driving the direction of the organisation and maintaining the high standing of the CPA designation.
Peter Wilson AM FCPA
President and Chair
On behalf of CPA Australia’s Board of Directors
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