Statement from the Board 27 March 2020
The public health concerns surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 has seen the Australian Government and health authorities tighten restrictions on the size of public gatherings, travel, and overall management of community health and safety, with significant impacts in Australia and also internationally.
Circumstances surrounding management of the COVID-19 pandemic have necessitated a change of venue for the AGM to the head office of CPA Australia in Melbourne at 5.30pm (AEST) on Monday, 27 April 2020. To comply with COVID-19 restrictions, the Board may be required to limit physical attendance at this year’s AGM.
In accordance with advice issued by ASIC, CPA Australia will proceed with a hybrid meeting using technology to provide Members with the opportunity to participate in this year’s AGM. CPA Australia's Constitution allows for a hybrid meeting in which Members can view the AGM via webcast and ask questions in text format during the meeting. Plus, for the first time, Members will be able to dial in and ask questions by voice online.
The Notice of Meeting, which includes all business before the meeting, will be sent to Members on Thursday, 2 April 2020. Full details on how to watch the meeting via webcast, ask questions online during the meeting and lodge a proxy will be available in the Notice of Meeting.
The decision to change the venue of the AGM was not taken lightly, but the health and well-being of Members, CPA Australia personnel and venue support staff is paramount. In particular, the Board is disappointed that the AGM will not be held in Sydney to coincide with the 110th anniversary of the first CPA Australia branch opening in New South Wales.
The Board intends the next AGM following the resolution of the COVID-19 pandemic to be held in Sydney.
Peter Wilson AM FCPA
President and Chair
On behalf of CPA Australia’s Board of Directors
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