Statement from the Board 18 April 2019
You will recall that at the 2018 Annual General Meeting, the Board put forward four resolutions that would implement the outcomes of the Independent Review and deliver important governance changes for the organisation.
Last year a record number of members participated in the AGM and voted to pass each of the four resolutions.
In the subsequent 12 months, the Board has been working to cement those changes and to oversee the delivery of CPA Australia’s 2018 – 2021 Strategy, which was launched in August 2018.
There are five resolutions in the Notice that have been submitted by three members in accordance with section 249N of the Corporations Act 2001 and details of each of the resolutions are contained in the attached Notice of Meeting.
The Board has not put forward any resolutions to the 2019 AGM.
The Board has carefully considered each of the five resolutions submitted by members in light of the Board’s responsibility to act in the best interests of CPA Australia and members overall.
The Board recommends members vote for resolution 1, a resolution proposed by Carl McCarthy. The Board believes this resolution will provide additional protection in the Constitution to ensure accountability to members. Full details of the resolution and the Board’s response are contained on pages 12 to 13 of the Notice of Meeting.
The Board recommends members do not vote for the other four resolutions being put to the meeting. The Board supports the spirit of each of these resolutions, however, it is not able to support the proposed changes to the Constitution for the practical reasons set out in the Notice of Meeting. Full details of these resolutions and the Board’s response are contained on pages 14 to 22 of the Notice of Meeting.
In conjunction with CPA Australia’s Company Secretary, I will be conducting two webinars to answer any questions you may have about the Notice of Meeting or proceedings of the AGM. The webinars will be held on:
Monday 6 May, 7.00pm – 8.00pm (AEST)
Thursday 9 May, 4.00pm – 5.00pm (AEST)
The Board is committed to increasing member access to the AGM and last year for the first-time members were able to lodge their proxies online to ensure their voice was heard.
This year, members will still be able to lodge their proxies online and watch the AGM via a live stream. In addition, all members will be able to ask questions during the AGM by submitting the questions online.
The Board encourages all members to read the details of the resolutions you are being asked to consider and to take the time to exercise your right to vote at the 2019 AGM by attending and voting in person or by submitting your proxy.
Peter Wilson AM FCPA
President and Chair
On behalf of CPA Australia’s Board of Directors
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