Statement from the Board 16 March 2021
- 2021 Annual General Meeting
- CPA Australia website release
- Celebrating International Women's Day
- Policy and Advocacy update
- National Not-for-profit Virtual Conference
1. 2021 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of CPA Australia will be held on Tuesday 27 April at the offices of CPA Australia Ltd, Level 20, 28 Freshwater Place, Southbank, Victoria, commencing at 5.30pm (AEST).Based on current regulatory advice the Melbourne office should be able to host up to 50 members at the AGM. The ability for members to attend the AGM in person will depend on government restrictions in place at the time of the meeting. The Board will continue to monitor public health advice regarding COVID-19 and will communicate to members via the website and CPA Update the process for those wishing to attend in person as well as any update to arrangements. Members will be able to view proceedings via live webcast and ask questions by phone or text during the meeting.
The Notice of Meeting will be sent to members at least 21 days before the AGM – in line with the Corporations Act and CPA Australia’s Constitution. In the event of postage delays due to COVID-19, members who have elected to receive the Notice of Meeting by mail will be able to view a copy on the website. Further details about the AGM are available on the website.
2. CPA Australia website release
As part of our commitment to invest in technology and systems to improve the service to members, CPA Australia is developing a new website that will be a critical touchpoint for members and offer a more personalised online experience. In 2020 we completed the website strategy that included initial design and testing with a range of stakeholders from around the world, including different member groups. We are adopting a user-led approach that prioritises members and enables advanced functionality with personalised portals for different types of users. The initial release was originally scheduled for March, but to ensure there is no disruption for ASA members completing their Semester 1 CPA Program exams, the first release to members is set for the end of April. There will be further releases through the year as we continue on our journey to improve personalisation.
3. Celebrating International Women’s Day
CPA Australia members celebrated International Women’s Day 2021 with Divisions across CPA Australia’s global network hosting special events to acknowledge the achievements of women in the accounting and finance profession. The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #choosetochallenge which calls on individuals to challenge gender bias and inequality affecting women. In addition to local Divisional events, on 11 March CPA Australia hosted the #choosetochallenge live online webinar in which more than 450 people registered to hear guest speaker Professor Dame Marilyn Waring CNZM on the use of GDP as a measure of a nation’s economic health.
4. Policy and Advocacy update
CPA Australia aims to impact policy globally and be active in community advocacy on issues that impact members, the profession and are in the public interest. In February, CPA Australia contributed pre-budget submissions to governments in Australia and Hong Kong SAR and provided in depth coverage of the Singapore budget in INTHEBLACK and via a member webinar. CPA Australia has continued to advocate for economic policies that address the issues caused by COVID-19. Recent media releases in Australia have addressed the increase in JobSeeker and called for federal, state and territory governments in Australia to work together to provide financial support to businesses severely impacted by snap lockdowns. This month CPA Australia also joined forces with four other leading finance industry associations in Australia to express our extreme disappointment with the increase in financial adviser licence fees and call for a review of the ASIC industry funding model. CPA Australia will shortly release the 12th annual Asia Pacific Small Business Survey which contains key insights into how small businesses are responding to the current economic climate and the outlook for businesses across Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.
5. National Not-for-profit Virtual Conference
The National Not-for-profit Conference is being held on Tuesday 20 April for the first time as a virtual online event. The conference theme is Good Causes, Great Leaders and will look at issues influencing the sector, compliance and regulatory impacts, best practice governance and how to make the most of technology. Keynote speakers include Anna Longley, Assistant Commissioner and General Counsel Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, founders of Orange Sky, Nic Marchesi and Lucas Patchett and more. Further details about the conference are available on the website.
Merran Kelsall FCPA
President and Chairman
On behalf of CPA Australia's Board of Directors
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