CPA Program academic awards 2024
Content Summary
We know it’s challenging to balance study among the pressures and priorities of our fast-changing world. That’s why we’ve created a series of awards to recognise and celebrate Associate members who have shown outstanding commitment to their study and achieved exceptional exam results.
Certificate of Excellence
This award is presented to members who have advanced to CPA status and achieved outstanding results throughout their CPA Program studies. Members must receive five or more high distinctions to qualify. Members receive this prestigious award alongside their CPA Certificate, and are invited to a Member Recognition Ceremony to be acknowledged for this special achievement.
Certificate of Global Achievement
This award recognises the highest achiever within the compulsory subjects of the CPA Program for each semester, globally. To qualify, members must receive the highest exam result and a high distinction in Ethics and Governance, Financial Reporting, Strategic Management Accounting or Global Strategy and Leadership. This award is presented every semester, and members are invited to a Member Recognition Ceremony to be acknowledged.
Certificate of Achievement
This award recognises high achievement within the compulsory subjects of the CPA Program in each region. While the Certificate of Global Achievement is awarded to a single member, the Certificate of Achievement is awarded to members who receive the top score among Associate members in their region. To qualify, members must receive a high distinction in Ethics and Governance, Financial Reporting, Strategic Management Accounting or Global Strategy and Leadership. This award is presented every semester.