Content Summary
Climate change and environmental policy
Our climate change policy statement, research and guidance for members as part of the global economic and business response
- Governance and risk
ESG resources, tools and training
Access practical resources to help you manage client expectations
- Governance and risk
Modern slavery and human rights
Research reports to help you and your clients understand how to comply with the Modern Slavery legislation
- Governance and risk
Future of corporate reporting
Research into different reporting frameworks to help you choose the right one for your business
- Governance and risk
Environmental, Social and Governance Centre of Excellence
Contributing to policy, thought-leadership and advocacy in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
- Ethics
- Business management
Worldwide accounting profession's call to action on climate change
CPA Australia has joined a group of 14 global professional accounting organisations in committing to action in response to climate change. The call to action recognises the crucial role of the accounting profession in addressing climate change. Professional accountants are represented in every sector across the economy and are uniquely positioned to enact meaningful and positive change through a collective effort.
This report is in collaboration with CPA Australia and the ASEAN Federation of Accountants joint focus group discussion on ESG for SMEs in ASEAN.
CPA Australia and the ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA) recently collaborated to organise an ASEAN ESG focus group discussion. This collaborative effort brought together a diverse panel of ESG experts from across the region to engage in meaningful dialogue about the driving forces, challenges, and emerging ESG-related developments in the region.
This report shows the results of a CPA Australia survey of ESG adoption and practices by Asia Pacific businesses. The report showed 93 percent of businesses have adopted some form of ESG practice. However, smaller businesses are lacking behind in terms of adoption and struggle to adopt more advanced ESG practices.
CPA Australia commissioned this research from the University of Melbourne, The Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative and MinterEllison, exploring impacts of Australia’s international climate commitments on the accountancy profession.
This report examines the relationship between various types of sustainability information and a firm’s cost of capital, based on a sample of 385 public companies in the UK, Australia and Hong Kong.
Climate-related risk
Due to the importance of climate-related risks to investor's decision making, entities can no longer treat climate-related risks as merely a matter of corporate social responsibility. These risks should also be considered in the context of their financial statements.
State of climate reporting in Singapore
CPA Australia has supported EY Singapore in the study of the state of climate reporting in Singapore.
The study aimed to provide insights into the current state of climate reporting in Singapore, after the SGX required Singapore-listed companies to include such information in their sustainability reports from financial year 2022 based on recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Library resources
The following titles are available for members to borrow from the CPA Australia library. You’ll need an online account with us to access these resources.
Discover more
Future of corporate reporting
Research into different reporting frameworks to help you choose the right one for your business
- Governance and risk
Climate change and environmental policy
Our climate change policy statement, research and guidance for members as part of the global economic and business response
- Governance and risk
Step 2: Processes
Are your business processes cyber resilient?
- Governance and risk
Modern slavery and human rights
Research reports to help you and your clients understand how to comply with the Modern Slavery legislation
- Governance and risk
Step 3: Technology
Quick and simple ways to make your organisation’s systems and technology secure
- Governance and risk
Activities that can stop cyber-attacks
Detail on actions that can stop cyber-attacks
- Governance and risk