Non-financial information assurance
The overarching standard for all non-financial engagements is ISAE 3000 Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information or the national equivalent, such as ASAE 3000 and ISAE (NZ) 3000.
Additional standards may apply to the following engagements:
- historical non-financial reports: ISAE/ASAE 3410 and ASAE 3610
- future oriented information - ASAE 3420 and ASAE 3450
- compliance - ASAE 3100
- controls - ASAE 3150, ISAE/ASAE 3402
- performance - ASAE 3500.
The matters that can be assured under these types of engagements range widely. Some engagements are required by regulation and other engagements meet voluntary reporting needs.
IAASB Guidance on extended external reporting (EER) assurance engagements
This guidance supports assurance for non-financial reporting and responds to ten key stakeholder-identified challenges commonly encountered in applying ISAE 3000 (Revised) in EER assurance engagements.
Climate risks disclosures
Climate-related risks are becoming a major area of focus for organisations today. Increasing awareness of the reality and magnitude of climate-related risks has brought about a call to action for the global business community to take steps to mitigate against these risks.
Disclosing the impact of these climate-related risks continue to gain community and stakeholder interest, with investors now demanding businesses provide more climate-related information to assist with their economic decision-making.
Given the key role auditors play in enhancing the credibility of financial statements through application of the independent audit process, auditors should carefully consider the implications of climate change-related risks and any potential impact on financial reporting, in their audit procedures.
Clean Energy Regulator-administered schemes
The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) administers Australian Government schemes for measuring, managing, reducing or offsetting carbon emissions. The CER has administrative responsibilities for the:
- National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) and the safeguard mechanism, under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007
- Emissions Reduction Fund, under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011
- Renewable Energy Target, under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000
- Australian National Registry of Emissions Units, under the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011.
The NGERS audit framework underpins the assurance requirements for each scheme. Assurance practitioners must be a registered greenhouse energy auditor (RGEA) to conduct assurance engagements (NGERS audits) under any of the schemes.
Register as a Greenhouse and Energy Auditor
The CER website has detailed information to help you understand how to register as a Registered Greenhouse and Energy Auditor and guidance on conducting audits under CER regulated schemes:
- CER information for auditors
- How to register as an auditor with the CER
- The CER audit determination handbook
Registration pathway for non-financial auditors
The Clean Energy Regulator has an arrangement with CPA Australia to help non-financial auditors study in the CPA Program for the purposes of gaining Category 2 Greenhouse and Energy Auditor registration.
This arrangement is intended to provide a pathway to Category 2 registration for applicants from non-accounting backgrounds, including those already registered as Category 1 Greenhouse and Energy Auditors.
Under this arrangement, those interested in applying for Category 2 registration can apply for enrolment into the Advanced Audit and Assurance subject, which is part of the CPA Program.
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