Professional standards scheme update
Content Summary
Our current Professional Standards Scheme is due to end on 20 August 2025. CPA Australia has applied to the Professional Standards Council of New South Wales for a re-make of the Professional Standards Scheme. The proposed scheme is consistent with our current scheme. If approved, the scheme is intended to operate in all states and territories for a period of 5 years.
The Professional Standards Council publicly notified our proposed scheme on 5 March 2025. The Council is particularly interested in your views as to whether the Scheme is in the public interest, including regarding the nature and significance of the Scheme.
We invite you review the proposed scheme and public consultation document, and provide feedback by completing a survey, or uploading a written submission (both hosted through the NSW Government ‘have your say’ page). Alternatively, you can email your written submission to the acting Chief Executive Officer, Professional Standards Councils at [email protected].
In your submission, you may wish to respond to the following questions:
- Are you a member of CPA Australia?
- Are you already a consumer of the type of services covered by the proposed scheme?
- Do you think the scope of the scheme is clear? (including work, jurisdictions and membership classes covered)
- Is it clear how you, as a member or consumer, could make a complaint?
- Can you describe how consumers would benefit from CPA Australia’s members’ services being covered by a scheme?
The public consultation period closes on 2 April 2025.
To find out more about CPA Australia and our proposed professional standards scheme, please
contact [email protected]