- Exams frequently asked questions
Exams frequently asked questions
Content Summary
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Exam scheduling questions
To allow us to manage our resources and ensure a smooth exam day experience both within test centres and online, we need to confirm the number of attendees at each session before the exam period.
Please refer to the important dates page for key dates in the upcoming semester. As outlined in the Exam Scheduling Policy, you must be available to sit an exam at any time during the exam period.
- Test centre exams are many members' preference. They're often a convenient option, as the technology and environment are pre-prepared to meet exam conditions. In this format, you'll travel to a nearby venue and be supervised in person.
- Online exams are best suited to members who are unable to find a test-centre appointment within a reasonable distance, or are unable to meet the entry requirements of a local venue. For this format, you’ll need to prepare your device and room to meet the exam requirements. You’ll also be supervised by an online proctor via your webcam.
We recognise that test-centre exams are many members' preference. They're often a convenient option, as the technology and environment are pre-prepared to meet exam conditions.
To ensure we have enough capacity to meet the demand for this exam format, we're reducing our online exam capacity so we can shift our focus to test-centre exams. This means you may notice more test-centre appointments and fewer online exam appointments throughout the exam period in your region.
In addition, our exam provider Pearson VUE is unable to offer online exams in all locations globally due to a variety of factors. If you are in Mainland China, Japan, South Korea and Slovenia you must sit a test centre exam.
Exam preparation questions
- Before exam scheduling closes
- You can reschedule your exam at any time before the exam scheduling close date, except Singapore Taxation, which is delivered on a fixed date.
- After exam scheduling closes and before the exam period begins
- If you’re unable to attend your exam due to extenuating circumstances, please contact us to discuss your options. We can only reschedule your exam if there are other appointments available, and you’re able to provide sufficient documentation to support your extenuating circumstances claim. Examples of extenuating circumstances and supporting evidence are outlined in the Exam Scheduling Policy.
- Once the exam period begins
- There are very limited opportunities to reschedule your exam immediately before and during the exam period. This is because almost all appointments will have been filled, and it’s outside the rescheduling window. You should contact us well before the exam period if you need to be considered for rescheduling.
- Before exam scheduling closes
- Test-centre exams
- You must provide one original form of valid and current identification
- There are certain requirements that your ID must meet. Make sure you review these in full once you’ve scheduled your exam.
- Online exams
- You must provide one original form of valid identification.
- Again, there are certain requirements your ID must meet. Make sure you review these in full once you’ve scheduled your exam.
- Test-centre exams
- To sit your exam, the name on your ID(s) must exactly match the name in your CPA Australia profile. Please check your profile, and if your name doesn’t match contact us at least 10 business days before your exam to update your profile.
Exam functionality questions
- Multiple choice (standard): you have a choice of four options with one correct answer.
- Extended response: requiring an extended, typed response. For SMA and FR, your extended response section will include ‘worksheet items’, that will require you to add numerical values into a worksheet.
- Multiple choice (based on a short case study): you have a choice of four options with one correct answer. Please note, this question type only applies to GSL.
- Multiple choice (multiple options): you have a choice of more than four options, requiring you to select all of the correct options that apply. Please note, these questions do not apply to Singapore Taxation. Instructional text within the exam will make it clear when you are presented with this new question type. This new question type will also be in a section of the exam separate to standard multiple-choice questions.
You can check the Exam Information and Mark Allocations PDF in My Online Learning to understand the types of exam questions in your subject.
This question type requires you to select all of the multiple choice options that apply to that question and is worth one mark.
You will be presented with only one Multiple choice (multiple options) question, which will sit in a separate section of your exam and will be clearly signposted.
This question type will not sit alongside your standard multiple choice questions, to avoid any confusion. This question type has been introduced to test your higher order thinking and it is another way for us to test your understanding of the subject content.
- Your exam appointment time is 225 minutes. This includes:
- a non-disclosure agreement (5 minutes)
- a tutorial (10 minutes)
- the exam time (195 minutes)
- an unscheduled break, 'Pause the Clock' (5 minutes)
- a survey (10 minutes).
- You are allowed 195 minutes (3 hours and 15 minutes) to complete your exam questions.
- The five minute unscheduled break is only applicable to computer-based and online proctored exams.
- Your exam appointment time is 225 minutes. This includes:
- We have introduced a ‘Pause Exam’ function to both online proctored and test centre computer-based exams which allows you to take one five-minute unscheduled break with your exam clock paused.
- For test centre exams, you are able to raise your hand and request additional bathroom breaks, however your exam clock will not be paused.
- For online proctored exams, you are only able to leave your exam room/desk/screen during your five minute ‘Pause the Clock’ break.
- To take your break, you must select ‘Pause Exam’, and then confirm you wish to take your break. Once you have confirmed, you will then be able to leave your desk to commence your break.
- If you require additional breaks, you may be better suited to a test centre computer-based exam. Please keep in mind, your exam timer will not stop for any breaks beyond your one ‘Pause the clock’ opportunity.
- You will need to click the “Pause Exam” button at the top of your exam screen. A pop-up will appear, and you must click “Pause Exam” on the pop-up.
- You will then see a second pop-up which will confirm that your exam timer has paused and there will be a five minute countdown. This will mean that your exam has been paused and you are now able to leave your desk and take your break.
Your exam timer will restart and will continue to count down once the five minutes have passed. Please ensure you have reviewed your computer lock settings to allow for a five minute break or longer, if your computer locks, your exam will be terminated.
You can magnify your exam content by up to 200%. You can also increase or decrease the size by pressing CTRL + or CTRL .
Test centre exams
- No, you must use the equipment provided at the test centre. However, please be reassured that extensive health and safety measures are in place to ensure your safety and security at all test centres. Please refer to the Pearson VUE website for up to date information regarding your local measures.
- There are some medications, medical devices and mobility devices that are allowed within your exam without requiring any pre-approval. These are considered ‘comfort aids’, and Pearson VUE has a list of items (or ‘comfort aids’) that do not require pre-approval for your test centre/online proctored exam. Please call CPA Australia to check any comfort aids and whether they will require pre-approval from Pearson VUE.
You are not able to enter the exam room more than 30 minutes after the start of your exam, this is to ensure minimal disruption to other candidates. We recommend you aim to arrive at your test centre at least 30 minutes prior to your exam appointment start time.
- All CPA Program exams are open book (except for Singapore Taxation). This means you are allowed to have your study guide and any printed materials you would like to refer to throughout your exam.
- You are unable to have a pen and paper for note taking in either exam format. A physical, erasable whiteboard is available for you at test centres for note taking.
- You may have a calculator with you, so long as it aligns with the requirements outlined on our test centre computer-based exam page.
- You may bring earplugs with you, so long as they align with the requirements outlined on our test centre computer-based exam page.
- You must have one primary ID original form of valid and current identification documentation (ID:
- The ID must have your first and last name; a recent, recognisable photo; and your signature*. The first and last name on the ID must match the first and last name must match the name on CPA Australia records.
- The ID must be original (not a photocopy or digital ID), valid (unexpired), government issued, and contain your signature (Exception: This applies to all regions, except if you have a government-issued ID (for example, a national ID card) from the same country that you’re sitting your exam. In this circumstance, an ID will be accepted without a signature if all other requirements are met.).
- full details about your ID requirements can be found on our test centre computer-based exam page.
For a full list of what you can and can’t bring with you to your exam, please review your confirmation email from Pearson VUE.
- For a full list of what you can and can't bring with you to your exam, please review your confirmation email from Pearson VUE.
- You cannot bring any electronic devices, this includes mobile telephones, smart phones, pagers, USBs, electronic tablets, laptop computers, electronic dictionaries, personal communication devices such as, and similar to, a Palm® device, electronic scanners or headphones.
- You cannot bring a wristwatch or handheld watch. Advances in watch technologies, such as the introduction of smart watches, have led to new exam rules. No wrist or handheld watches are allowed into the exam room. Clocks will be available in the exam room or the supervisor will note the elapsed time on a white board.
- You cannot bring a coat, scarf, headwear or other clothing accessory, unless worn for religious purposes, to your examination desk. Coats that are pocket-free and are not bulky may be permitted to be worn. It is at the supervisor's discretion to decide whether an item is acceptable to wear at an examination desk and pockets may be checked.
- Personal tissues are not permitted into the exam room. There will be tissues available at the venue if required.
- Food and drink are not permitted into the exam room.
Yes, you are able to bring a single personal calculator to your test centre exam, however it must meet the requirements outlined on the test centre computer-based exam page.
Online proctored exams
- We recommend you do not use a work computer, which may be equipped with strict Firewall software (including VPNs) which could prevent the launch of your exam.
- An Apple Mac or PC is acceptable, in either a desktop or laptop form, equipped with a webcam and microphone.
- You may connect an external mouse or keyboard if that is your preference (wired, wireless or Bluetooth).
- Tablets and touchscreen devices are not permitted, unless they have an external keyboard and mouse and meet the system requirements as outlined in the Pearson VUE technical requirements.
- A second monitor is not permitted. Please make sure you unplug any additional screens or monitors and remove them from your room before your exam. If using a laptop, you may use an external monitor, however your laptop lid must remain closed throughout your entire exam, and you must have an external mouse, keyboard and webcam.
- Please ensure you have checked your device against the criteria in the Pearson VUE technical requirements before attempting to launch your exam.
- You must use only one screen for your exam. Secondary monitors are not permitted.
- If using a laptop, you may use an external monitor, however your laptop lid must remain closed throughout your entire exam. You must have an external mouse, keyboard and webcam.
We strongly recommend you use a wired internet connection, to minimise the risk of internet connectivity issues during your exam. Using WIFI may cause you to lose connection and interrupt your exam.
The system test checks that your device is suitable for an online proctored exam. It will check:
- general communications between OnVUE and Pearson VUE servers
- download speeds
- microphone/webcam functionality and permissions
- download of the secure browser
- unzipping and launching of the secure browser.
We suggest you complete several system tests throughout the semester. Please complete, one before you schedule your online proctored exam, one during the week before your exam appointment, and one on the day of your exam appointment. This is to make sure you meet the technology requirements at each stage.
We strongly encourage you to compare your device to the Pearson VUE technical requirements to ensure it is compatible before completing a system test.
The current hotspot technology is not ideal for you to maintain a reliable and consistent connection. For optimal performance, a reliable and stable connection speed of 6 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up is required. Wherever possible, we recommend you use a wired network rather than a wireless network. If testing from home, you may wish to ask others in your household to avoid internet use during your exam.
If you have a touchscreen laptop, you cannot use a stylus, your finger/hand or other writing apparatus to write on the whiteboard. You must use your mouse and external keyboard to operate the online whiteboard. The whiteboard cannot be used with a connected writing tablet or pad or dual monitors.
- During the check-in process, you will be asked to take photos of your work area, which will be checked by a ‘greeter’ before your exam launch. Your greeter will work with you to fix any concerns you may have on exam day during your check-in process.
- For best results, you should prepare your exam room before your appointment, by ensuring it meets the following criteria:
- be quiet, background noise may distract proctors monitoring your exam session and could interfere with your session
- no interruptions, inform any other members of your household that you are taking an exam and cannot be interrupted during your entire appointment time
- be well lit, proctors must be able to see you and your testing space well. Do not sit in front of a window or other strong light. If you are backlit, you are not clearly visible (draw shades or curtains and/or turn off lights behind you)
- is private, ideally, you should prevent others from entering. If someone does enter, say “Please leave, I’m testing”. No other communication is allowed and could lead to your exam being terminated. No one else should be able to view your computer or monitor, even through windows
- nothing in arm’s reach, aside from your permitted items which must be on your desk during check-in. Be sure to place your mobile phone out of arm’s reach after you finish using it to check-in. It needs to still be within your exam room, should your proctor need to contact you.
- A studio apartment will be acceptable so long as it’s quiet and aligns with all the other criteria listed above.
A proctor will review your testing environment photos. If they identify any issues, such as an additional monitor or a camera, they will ask you to complete a live room scan and will work with you to amend any issues. If the issues can’t be resolved and you do not pass the room scan, you will unfortunately not be permitted to proceed with the exam.
A proctor will monitor you for suspicious movement during the duration of your exam, including moving out of view from the webcam or turning your face or body to the side. Placing your study materials directly in front of you during the exam will help ensure that you always remain in the view of the webcam and that you remain facing forward during your exam.
We strongly recommend you place all of your study materials (study guide and reference materials) on your desk directly in front of you. You must always remain within view of the webcam and forward facing at all times. If you lean too far forward, to the side or underneath your desk, it may result in your exam being terminated.
To ensure the security of your exam questions, pen and paper are strictly prohibited. An online whiteboard and scratchpad will be available for notetaking and workings during your online proctored exam.
- Make sure you have access to a suitable environment to undertake your online exam. Your environment must be:
- walled, have a closed door, and be free from disruptions
- clear within arm’s reach, so you cannot reach anything but your desk and computer
- using only one plugged in monitor, unless you intend to use an external monitor with your laptop closed
- closed to any other individual, no one else can be in or enter the room during your exam.
- Select your exam day device. We recommend you don’t use a work computer, which may be equipped with strict Firewall software (including VPNs) which could prevent the launch of your exam.
- Check your device is ready using the criteria within the Pearson VUE technical requirements.
- Undertake a systems test to troubleshoot any technical issues.
- Make sure you have access to a suitable environment to undertake your online exam. Your environment must be:
- You will be able to start checking in for your exam 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.
- To access your exam, go to My CPA Program, and select ‘Manage Exam’ for the subject for which you have an appointment, you will then be taken to the exam delivery website.
- The exam you are scheduled to take will appear once you log into your account under “Open Online Exams”. Select the exam link and then select “Check In”. If the “Check In” button is not visible, you are either too early or too late for your exam. Please check your appointment details to make sure you’re trying to start at the proper time.
- You will be asked to download OnVUE, the online proctoring software, if you haven’t before. Follow the prompts in the application to complete the required check-in steps.
- Have your acceptable ID available so that the proctor can verify your identity.
- Shut down any non‐essential applications such as email, chat, Facebook, and Skype.
- The check-in process takes approximately 15 minutes if you have previously completed a system test, and will include the following steps:
- an abbreviated systems test will be undertaken, to check that your microphone is working, that you have a stable internet connection, and that your webcam can stream video
- the OnVUE software will then guide you to use your phone or webcam to take photos of your government-issued ID and your testing environment, as well as a headshot. This will include a photo of your desk with your personal calculator visible (if using), a photo of the area to the left of your screen, a photo of the area to the right of your screen and a photo of the area behind you
- your photos will be reviewed, and your exam will be queued up
- if your pictures don’t pass review, you’ll be joined by a greeter as soon as possible to help you troubleshoot
- if you pass the check-in process, the secure browser and exam will launch.
- You will be placed in a queue and connected with the next available proctor to begin your exam. Your queue position will be displayed on your screen and this will be updated every 60 seconds.
- The proctor will monitor you remotely throughout the entire exam to make sure you abide by the exam rules, to document any security concerns, and to assist you if you encounter any technical issues. The proctor will also ‘dismiss’ you once you finish your exam.
- During the check-in process for your exam, the OnVUE software will guide you through an easy step-by-step process to use your phone or webcam to take the photos required for your exam. If you choose to use your phone to take the photos, you will either type a URL into your phone or elect to receive a text message which includes a link to take you through the process in a series of straight-forward steps.
- You will be prompted to take a headshot of yourself, as well as your government-issued ID and photos of your testing environment. This will include a photo of the:
- room facing your desk
- area to the left of your desk
- area to the right of your desk
- area behind your desk.
- Your photos will then be reviewed. If your pictures don’t pass review, you’ll be joined by a greeter as soon as possible to help you troubleshoot.
- After checking in, you will be added to the queue of candidates waiting to begin an exam. This time will be used to review your details and to assign you a proctor. Proctors will be assigned by proximity to appointment start time, not the time you have been waiting.
- During this time, you will see a page that says, "You are almost done with the check-in process". Please be patient. Most exams will be launched within 15 minutes, however, during peak times the wait may be longer.
- During busy periods, a message will appear on your screen to let you know if there are longer than usual wait times.
- During this time, you must not:
- leave the view of your webcam
- access your mobile phone or other device
- eat, smoke or chew gum
- have another individual enter your exam space.
- Your queue position will be displayed on your screen and this will be updated every 60 seconds.
- As you wait, a proctor will check your images to authenticate your identity and suitability of your exam room. If required, the proctor may ask that you retake a photo of your identification or room before your exam can start if the image is blurry or unclear. If there are any issues during the check-in process, you may be prohibited from starting your exam.
- We recommend you use this wait time to review your study guide and notes, and to gather your thoughts. Please be aware that successfully completing your check-in early, will not allow you to start your exam early. The proctor will start your exam after verifying that your testing space and ID meet the requirements.
- To avoid unnecessary wait times, it’s best that you check if you have a stable internet connection before you begin. You may have a weak internet connection if you are:
- waiting longer than 30 minutes
- not progressing in the queue
- increasing instead of decreasing your position in the queue.
- No, you cannot leave your desk or room, or use your mobile phone (even to call CPA Australia) while you are waiting for your exam to begin. You are being recorded and must comply with all exam rules. This means you must not leave the view of your webcam, access your mobile phone or other device, eat, smoke or chew gum or have another individual enter your exam space.
- If you do not comply with these rules, you risk your exam being terminated due to a breach of the exam rules.
- Don't panic. You will be in a queue waiting to be assigned a proctor. We suggest using this time to review your study guide and notes and gather your thoughts.
- During busy periods, a message will appear on your screen to let you know if there are longer than usual wait times.
- If you are waiting more than 15 minutes for your exam to be launched, a popup alert will display as a banner across the top of the screen with the following message: "We're sorry your exam has not launched. Click here for help or to reschedule”. Do not close the OnVUE application unless instructed.
- The "click here" link opens the Pearson VUE help webpage, which includes a chat window for instant, 24/7 support.
- Do not use your mobile phone to call us while you are waiting for your exam to launch. By doing so, you risk your exam being terminated due to a breach of the exam rules.
- To avoid unnecessary wait times, it’s best that you check if you have a stable internet connection before you begin. You may have a weak internet connection if you are:
- waiting longer than 30 minutes
- not progressing in the queue
- increasing instead of decreasing your position in the queue.
- A ‘proctor’ is an individual who supervises the completion of an exam via webcam.
- Your proctor is responsible for ensuring the online proctored testing policies are observed and followed throughout the exam.
- If required, your proctor may interrupt you during your exam. It may be to offer a warning (no talking) or to investigate an issue (please show me your room, your desk, etc.). The proctor, at their sole discretion, may also decide to revoke an exam due to persistent technical issues or as a result of a repeated or severe violation of the testing policies.
- While you will not be able to see your proctor, you will be able to communicate with them via a chat function during the exam (simply click the chat icon).
- In some circumstances, the proctor may let you know that they are noticing some connectivity issues. For example, they may inform you, your video is not streaming as expected (even if you can see yourself in the webcam). Please follow their instructions.
- Please note that proctors are primarily responsible for invigilating candidates during an online proctored exam. While they may be able to provide basic technical support, they are not responsible for troubleshooting or resolving technical issues. If you are experiencing technical issues, please refer to your troubleshooting guide, and relaunch the OnVUE app.
- You may be interrupted by a proctor if you are engaging in any suspicious behaviours or violating exam rules. It may be to offer you a reminder (i.e. please stop talking) or to investigate something (i.e. please show me your room/desk).
- A proctor may ask you to:
- show your ears, if you have long hair, to make sure you are not using wireless headphones
- roll up your sleeves, to make sure you have no writing on your arms and you are not wearing a watch
- empty your pockets, to make sure you aren’t carrying a prohibited item
- complete a 360 degree room scan, if your proctor is concerned something new has been introduced to your room.
- We strongly recommend you use a wired internet connection for online proctored exams, to minimise the risk of internet connectivity issues
- Before scheduling or undertaking an online proctored exam, make sure to complete a systems test , this will advise if your internet is stable and acceptable for an online proctored exam.
- If you experience a temporary technical issue during your exam, you can use the OnVUE chat function to discuss the problem and how to solve it with Pearson VUE support staff.
- If you do happen to lose connection to your exam momentarily,- whether due to internet issues or a loss of power, your exam will temporarily shut down. Once you regain internet or power, you will be able to relaunch your exam from where you left off and your progress will have been saved.
- In the event of a disconnection, your exam timer will stop and once relaunched, you will resume from the same question and moment you left your exam.
- Once you click 'Relaunch', a proctor may contact you via your computer to help you restart your exam
- You will have unlimited opportunities to relaunch your exam if you encounter any issues, and your exam timer will only restart once you have relaunched your exam.
- If you encounter technical issues or have other concerns during your exam, you should try to contact the proctor via the chat function.
- If your proctor does not respond via the chat function, it may indicate you are experiencing a connectivity issue. If this is the case, and you completely lose connection with the exam, you can:
- refer to the troubleshooting guide provided by CPA Australia
- use the chat feature on the following webpage: CPA Australia OnVUE exam information // Pearson VUE (click on the yellow icon for the chat function and FAQs to appear)
- If the proctor notices some connectivity issues, in some circumstances they may be able to refresh your exam session (they will inform you of this should it be required) and you will be able to continue your exam from where you left off. In other circumstances, they may ask you to complete the relaunch of your exam – please follow their instructions. Please note, that proctors are primarily responsible for invigilating candidates during an online proctored exam and are not responsible for troubleshooting or resolving your technical issues.
- If you are experiencing technical issues and have completely dropped out of the exam, please do not wait for a call from a Pearson VUE proctor. Please remain at your workstation in view of the webcam and continue to follow all testing policies. Please refer to your troubleshooting guide, and relaunch on the OnVUE app. Please do not use your mobile phone to contact customer service during your exam, as this violates the mobile phone policy.
- You can avoid most technical issues by completing a system test and making sure you meet all system requirements before your exam.
- Common issues include an unreliable internet connection and third-party applications trying to run during your exam. We strongly recommend checking that all applications have been closed and that there is a strong and reliable internet connection before you start your exam.
Each answer you submit is recorded as it is completed, once you move on to the next (or another) question. Once you are happy with your exam and you are ready to finish, click ‘End Exam’, and your answers will be submitted for scoring. If you run out of time to complete your exam, you will receive a message indicating that time has run out. After clicking OK, you will be taken to a screen to end your exam.
- All CPA Program exams are open book (except for Singapore Taxation). This means you can have your study guide and any printed materials you would like to refer to throughout your exam with you.
- You are unable to have a pen and paper for note taking in either exam format. An online whiteboard will be available throughout your exam for note taking.
- You may have a calculator with you, so long as it aligns with the rules outlined on the online proctored exam page.
- You must have one form of valid and current identification documentation (ID), which is government issued and contains your photograph and signature. Full details about your ID requirements can be found on the online proctored exam page.
The following items are not permitted in your exam room:
- electronic devices, including pagers, USBs, electronic tablets, laptop computers, electronic dictionaries, personal communication devices such as, and similar to, a Palm® device, electronic scanners, headsets or headphones. You will be able to have your mobile phone with you throughout your exam check-in process, however, once you have completed this process, you will need to move your phone out of reach
- wallets or purses
- firearms or other weapons
- hats (and other non-religious head coverings), bags, coats, jackets, or eyeglass cases
- barrettes or hair clips larger than ¼ inch (½ centimeter) wide and headbands or hairbands larger than ½ inch (1 centimeter)
- jewellery that is removable and larger than ¼ inch (½ centimeter)
- watches or smart watches.
- There are some medications, medical devices and mobility devices that are allowed within your exam without requiring any pre-approval. These are considered ‘comfort aids’, and Pearson VUE has a list of items (or ‘comfort aids’) that do not require pre-approval for your test centre/online proctored exam. Please call CPA Australia to check any comfort aids and whether they will require pre-approval from Pearson VUE.
During the check-in process:
- you may use your mobile phone during the check-in process to take photos of yourself, your ID and your testing environment. After you have completed the check-in process, turn your phone on silent or vibrate to minimise disruptions and move it out of reach.
After the check-in process:
- if your phone starts ringing or beeping during an exam, you should ignore the notifications. If the proctor questions you about the noise, you can explain that it is your phone ringing
- if you lose connection during your exam, your proctor may need to contact you. This will only occur if you cannot be reached via the online exam chat function, only then are you allowed to leave your desk and answer your phone. If your phone starts vibrating during your exam and you are not experiencing technical issues, you must ignore the call.
- If you have lost connection to your exam and your proctor can no longer reach you via the chat function, they will call you to help you to reconnect. This is the only time you will be able to move and answer your phone.
- If your phone starts ringing or beeping during your exam (including an alarm) and you have not lost connection, you must ignore it. If the proctor questions you about the noise, you can explain that it is your phone ringing. If you have an alarm or reminder that goes off during your exam, you may ask your proctor if you can turn it off, you must wait for the proctor to give you permission before you do so.
No, you cannot eat during your exam, but you can drink water in a clear glass or bottle only.
No, earplugs or headphones of any kind are not permitted in an online exam.
- No. You may not receive any assistance from anyone while taking the exam, and you may not allow other individuals to see your computer screen.
- If another person enters the room while you are testing and/or is visible within your camera screen, your exam will be terminated, and your proctor cannot answer questions related to exam content.
No. If this happens, a proctor will ask you to stop reading the questions aloud. If you continue, the exam may be terminated.
Yes, you will be seen/filmed during your entire exam (unless there is a connectivity issue), including during your five minute break. You can leave the view of the camera during your break, once you have clicked the 'Pause Exam' button).
Yes, you are able to have a single personal calculator with you during your online exam, however it must meet the rules outlined on the online proctored exam page.
You will have use of an online whiteboard and scratch pad for note taking and workings during your online-proctored exam. We recommend you practice using these tools and build confidence ahead of time so you feel prepared for your exam. The scratch pad has been included in your mid semester test and practice exams. To access these tools log into your My Online Learning and access Guided Learning to view a demonstration.
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