Global Research Perspectives Program
Content Summary
Our Global Research Perspective Program (GRPP) provides annual funding for research that supports and promotes the profession in line with CPA Australia’s objects and strategic goals.
Applications for the 2024 Global Research Perspectives Program are now closed.
2024 research topics
The research topics for 2024 are:
Who can apply?
Applications are open to individuals and organisations with the necessary expertise and experience to successfully carry out the proposed research. One researcher must be a current CPA member and your application must be directly relevant to the research topics.
Selection process
Proposals for GRPP research grants go through a two-stage selection process undertaken by a review panel.
The submission review process
Proposals for GRPP research grants go through a two-stage review process before they are commissioned and funded.
To apply, please complete and submit the Stage 1 Expression of Interest application form below.
If you have any questions about your application or are interested in an alternative research collaboration with CPA Australia, please contact us at [email protected]
Grant criteria and terms
Please ensure you read and understand the selection criteria and terms and conditions before you apply.
Application form
Previous research
A Swinburne University of Technology infographic on use of digital technologies (DTs) for sustainability reporting.
2022: This research project focused on the role of management controls in the implementation of Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs).
2022: The research focuses on identifying the most effective means of data analytics to further its use in audit processes to meet the demands from clients and changing assurance environment.
2021: The aim of this project is to better understand the role of corporate climate change KPIs and targets in the wider context of global warming, and ultimately to contribute to better corporate approaches to climate change obligations.
2021: This report provides evidence on the factors affecting the uptake, management and disclosure of SDGs from a multi-stakeholder perspective.
2021: This report addresses the perceived disconnect between graduates’ career expectations and employment opportunities and employers’ concerns to recruit and retain suitably qualified graduates. It also explores valued job-related criteria and what career success means in the accounting and finance profession.
2021: This study investigates the determinants of audit fees in the not-for-profit sector for large registered charities in Australia and examines the role that internal audits and the establishment of audit committees has on not-for-profit organisational performance.
2018: This project explored the extent of audit offshoring, the perceived benefits and why firms are offshoring audit work in Australia.
2017: This report presents findings from the first study that empirically examined the ethical capability needs of accounting professionals in Australia.
2017: This research developed a comprehensive overview of the funeral industry in Australia and the drivers of costs and prices in the current regulatory environment.
2015: This research investigated the amount and type of due diligence people undertake prior to starting up or purchasing a small business or franchise.
2015: This report delivers in-depth case analysis to better understand the way sustainability is embedded in long-term resource commitments and decision-making.
2015: This study investigated performance auditing in the Australian public sector and its focus on performance accountability by public sector entities.
2015: This study presents the findings drawn from interviews with individuals who are engaged actively in graduate recruitment and the ongoing professional development of accountants.
2014: This report discusses techniques in which assets are valued and the implications for financial reporting, performance monitoring and price regulation.
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