Mobilising Malaysian accountants to be net zero professionals
Content Summary
CPA Australia has taken up the clarion call for net zero greenhouse gas emissions and joined 12 global accounting bodies to launch an accounting profession commitment to net zero. This commitment can enable local accountants to support Malaysia’s efforts to tackle climate change.
Today’s launch is an initiative of The Prince of Wales’ Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Project Accounting Bodies Network (ABN), of which CPA Australia is a member. This network represents over 2.5 million professional accountants and students across 179 countries.
As one of the world’s largest professional accounting bodies, CPA Australia has pledged to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions within our organisation and to provide sound advice to governments for a just transition to a net zero emissions economy. We have also committed to providing training and guidance to our members to support them in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their own organisations and businesses.
CPA Australia Chief Executive Andrew Hunter said, “The accounting profession occupies a privileged position in the global economy. As trusted advisers, we’re privy to deep business insights about sustainability risks and opportunities. This knowledge creates an obligation to use our skills to protect our environmental heritage. CPA Australia is a global organisation in a global profession and we’re proud to be part of the global response to climate change.”
CPA Australia’s net zero commitment coincides with the Malaysian Government’s commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emission intensity of GDP by 45 per cent by 2030 and become a carbon neutral country by 2050.
CPA Australia Malaysia Country Head Priya Terumalay said, “CPA Australia is committed to providing our local members with the know-how to be net zero professionals, so that they can make a positive contribution to Malaysia’s 2030 and 2050 commitments.
“Climate change is impacting our planet and each of us can play a part towards lessening the emission of greenhouse gases and allowing future generations the same quality of life as we experience today.
“As accountants, we work in every sector of the economy and can have a significant impact in responding to climate change. I am confident that Malaysian accountants will join with us and help chart a course of action towards national and global net zero emissions,” she said.
CPA Australia is one of the few accounting bodies in the world to produce an Annual Integrated Report that has received Limited Assurance under the entireMedia contacts
Nirmala Ramoo on 6012 2790254, 0322673350 or [email protected]
Laviinia Dhanagunan on 6012 718 5852 or [email protected]
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