CPA Australia: Accounting profession support for Vietnam’s net zero goal
Content Summary
One of the world’s largest professional accounting bodies, CPA Australia, has joined 12 global accounting bodies to commit to net zero emissions, in a move which will provide support for Vietnam’s net zero goal.
CPA Australia acknowledges the impact of climate change and the urgency of taking action to achieve net-zero emissions. The accounting profession has a significant role to play. Accountants work in every sector of the economy. Achieving net zero emissions requires the skills and knowledge of accounting professionals, who are eager to help chart a course of action.
CPA Australia Chief Executive Andrew Hunter said, “The accounting profession occupies a privileged position in the global economy. As trusted advisers, we’re privy to deep business insights about sustainability risks and opportunities. This knowledge creates an obligation to use our skills to protect our environmental heritage. CPA Australia is a global organisation in a global profession and we’re proud to be part of the global response to climate change.”
CPA Australia has pledged to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions within our organisation and to provide sound advice to governments for a just transition to a net zero economy. We have also committed to providing training and guidance to our members to support them in reducing emissions in their own organisations and businesses.
“We see this commitment by CPA Australia as a positive development in leading accountants and financial professionals towards sustainability and enhancing the green economy in finance, new technology development and high-quality job creation”, said Dr. Can Van Luc FCPA (Aust.), Chief Economist of BIDV and Director of BIDV Training and Research Institute. Dr. Luc is also the Chair of North Vietnam Advisory Committee for CPA Australia.
Today’s global launch is an initiative of The Prince of Wales’ Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) Project Accounting Bodies Network (ABN), of which CPA Australia is a member. This network represents over 2.5 million professional accountants and students across 179 countries.
CPA Australia is one of the only accounting bodies in the world to produce an Annual Integrated Report that has received Limited Assurance under the entire <IR> framework. We will report our progress against the net zero commitment in our Integrated Report.
Media contacts
Hien Nguyen (Hanoi), +84 24 6263 4324 or email [email protected]
Thien Huynh (Ho Chi Minh), +84 (0) 8 3520 8338 or email: [email protected]
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