Brian James Fletcher CPA
Content Summary
Member’s name: Brian James Fletcher CPA
Date of Hearing: 3 March 2022
Division: VIC
Tribunal: Disciplinary Tribunal
On 3 March 2022, the Disciplinary Tribunal found that Mr Brian James Fletcher breached CPA Australia’s 14 May 2019 Constitution:
Article 39(a)(ii)C, in that he failed to observe a proper standard of professional care, skill or competence in failing to prepare the taxation returns for the Clients in a timely manner, and failing to return the taxation records of the Clients on their request.
Article 39(a)(ii)A, in that he breached By-Law 5.2(a)(ii) and/or 5.2(b)(ii) by failing to provide a satisfactory explanation with respect to the matters referred to in the Complaint to CPA Australia.
Penalty and Costs:
The Disciplinary Tribunal found the Complaints sustained and took into account mitigating circumstances in imposing the following penalties:
Complaint 1:
a severe reprimand
a requirement to meet with an internal assessor once each calendar month for a period of six months at which time the General Manager Professional Conduct (GMPC) shall make a determination on whether the assessor’s appointment is extended for up to a further six months.
The Disciplinary Tribunal imposed the condition that if Mr Fletcher did not meet with the assessor as outlined above, or as approved by the GMPC, his membership was to be forfeited.
Complaint 2:
a severe reprimand
Mr Fletcher was ordered to pay a contribution to CPA Australia’s costs of $2738.36.